Friday, June 8, 2007

New Pictures.. :)

This is one of the pictures I just got from Erica's mom, I thought I'd share them with you all. This is Erica opening one of the packages we sent her. :)

In case you do not know Erica, she is a five year old little girl who is living with Mastocytosis

(Mastocytosis: The presence of too many mast cells, this can occur in two forms - cutaneous (skin) and systemic (involves internal body organs). Cutaneous mastocytosis, the most common form, occurs when mast cells increase in the skin. A.K.A. urticaria pigmentosa. Systemic mastocytosis is caused when mast cells collect in the tissues and can affect organs such as the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.)

(for more info on Mastocytosis visit:

It is truly amazing that just one package, one teddy bear, one smile can make a difference to a child who is chonically ill. Please visit Erica's myspace (run by her mom, Kolleen) and help us spread the word about Mastocytosis!

- Katie

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