Saturday, May 26, 2007

Project Encourage...

Hi everyone, thanks for visiting the Project Encourage Blogspot!

Project Encourage is a soon-to-be non-profit organization that was started in January of 2007. Our goal is to bring joy and encouragement to children who are critically ill, in the form of "snail mail". Monthly, packages are sent out to the kids p.o. boxes, homes, or hospitals, containing coloring books, hats, toys, board games, and all kinds of items that bring happiness to children, no matter how limited their mobility.

Project Encourage sends packages to ill children between the ages of 6 months and 17 years old, regardless of their illness, prognosis, or status (in remission, fighting...) If you would like to add a loved on to our list please leave a comment here, or email us at: Also, visit us on Myspace at:

If you would like to help support Project Encourage you can send items to (Please NO money!)

Project Encourage
29600 Platino Dr
Quail Valley, Ca

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